Westlands is a secondary school located in Sittingbourne, Kent and part of the Swale Academies Trust. The school is very popular in the local area and further teaching space was required to accommodate future pupil growth.
A new 14 classroom block has now been delivered on the site to help alleviate the pressures and we were pleased to act as Quantity Surveyor on the project.
The steel frame constructed block offers flexible teaching space for the School, including a partition wall between two of the classrooms to provide them the option of delivering classes in a ‘town hall’ style. The building utilises an air source heat pump and has hybrid ventilation.
Delivery for contractor BW May was tricky as the site is very enclosed within the school grounds. To access the school, a temporary haul road was laid from the main road to the site area, enabling safe access and egress for delivery vehicles without interrupting the school’s usual patterns of movement for students.
The £2.8m project will be made ready by the School over the summer and will welcome students in the new academic year.