A stop at Mid Kent College’s Skills Factory!
Last Wednesday, Betteridge and Milsom was lucky enough to get invited to take a tour of Maidstone’s Mid Kent College Skills factory. Thank you to the college for hosting us.
Continuous Professional Development is something that we encourage. Fortnightly, our staff gather to discuss and engage on various topics within the industry as part of our CPD. We aim to always have a team that is constantly up to date with all topics surrounding our current affairs. We educate and develop ourselves so that the quality of our service reflects this.
Last week, we used our CPD Session to take a trip to the Skills Factory based at the MidKent College. Whilst also presenting itself as an event space, the factory is a teaching facility that focusses on the education surrounding sustainable technology such as air source heat pumps and ground source heat pumps.
We were pleased to hear that Midkent College itself plans to develop the college into a self sufficient facility by installing ball holes to extract heat from the ground. This should phase out the campuses reliance’s of gas and will be well worth the investment in the end.
Our staff thoroughly enjoyed their afternoon visit. Thank you again to the college for hosting us.