Statement – updated 20/03/20
With the escalating COVID-19 situation and the continued announcements from the Government this week, the Directors at B&M have again reviewed the advice and our COVID-19 continuity plan. We have decided at this time to escalate into the final stage of our plan.
In respect of projects we are working on, this now means the following:
- For the foreseeable, Staff will be working remotely from home.
- As before, no face to face meetings will take place, the only exception to this rule will be in extreme situations for project continuity. Where possible, all meetings will occur virtually via video or over the phone.
- No site visits, except for valuations and if required for project continuity. We have advised our staff to practice social distancing on the site, with minimal contact. Where this isn’t possible, we would ask that these be undertaken by video call or via photos. Valuation reviews are to take place with contractors over the phone or video chat.
As we mentioned, we are fully capable of operating remotely and have the facility to video and call conference via MS Teams. We will assist clients and fellow consultants where necessary to facilitate video meetings to enable continued engagement and collaboration on projects. We can access our full suite and server when away from the office including specialist software, meaning we are able to be fully productive.
Our priority is to always protect our colleagues and their families whilst continuing to service our clients. We apologise for any inconveniences caused by not being able to meet in person, however we hope everyone respects our decision and hopefully the technology we have in place will limit the disruption caused.
The Senior Management Team will continue to review our approach every 24 hours and we will keep you informed of changes to our practices when they happen.
Thank you
Paul Gannaway, Director Andrew Walker, Director